This workflow extracts data from GitHub repositories, gathering detailed information on top projects. It includes the repository name, owner, description, programming language, star count, fork count, contributors, and repository link, providing valuable insights for software analysis and project tracking.
Use cases:
Repository Name GoodbyeDPI | Owner ValdikSS | Description Deep Packet Inspection circumvention utility (for Windows) | Programming Language C | Stars 17407 | Forks 1331 | Contributors ["ValdikSS","KOLANICH","pash7ka","divinenickname","glvoff"] | Stars Today 583 | Link |
Repository Name zapret | Owner bol-van | Description DPI bypass multi platform | Programming Language C | Stars 3971 | Forks 386 | Contributors ["bol-van","ataniazov","lepz0r","toiletbril","hufrea"] | Stars Today 169 | Link |
Repository Name ComfyUI | Owner comfyanonymous | Description The most powerful and modular diffusion model GUI, api and backend with a graph/nodes interface. | Programming Language Python | Stars 44308 | Forks 4701 | Contributors ["comfyanonymous","pythongosssss","ltdrdata","EllangoK","space-nuko"] | Stars Today 191 | Link |
Repository Name winutil | Owner ChrisTitusTech | Description Chris Titus Tech's Windows Utility - Install Programs, Tweaks, Fixes, and Updates | Programming Language PowerShell | Stars 18454 | Forks 1168 | Contributors ["ChrisTitusTech","og-mrk","MyDrift-user","Marterich","padsalatushal"] | Stars Today 172 | Link |
Repository Name yt-dlp | Owner yt-dlp | Description A feature-rich command-line audio/video downloader | Programming Language Python | Stars 78646 | Forks 6161 | Contributors ["dstftw","phihag","pukkandan","remitamine","jaimeMF"] | Stars Today 131 | Link |
Repository Name SpoofDPI | Owner xvzc | Description A simple and fast anti-censorship tool written in Go | Programming Language Go | Stars 1106 | Forks 55 | Contributors ["xvzc","gohoski","Erghel","lavafroth","iamdeka"] | Stars Today 195 | Link |
Repository Name gs-quant | Owner goldmansachs | Description Python toolkit for quantitative finance | Programming Language Jupyter Notebook | Stars 7189 | Forks 875 | Contributors ["AnastasiyaB","martinroberson","nick-young-gs","stephen-183","S-Manglik"] | Stars Today 39 | Link |
Repository Name sqlite-vec | Owner asg017 | Description A vector search SQLite extension that runs anywhere! | Programming Language C | Stars 2251 | Forks 63 | Contributors ["asg017","dleviminzi","Adriankhl"] | Stars Today 386 | Link |
Repository Name every-programmer-should-know | Owner mtdvio | Description A collection of (mostly) technical things every software developer should know about | Programming Language | Stars 7530 | Forks 7530 | Contributors ["mr-mig","YellowFoxH4XOR","espozbob","wa008","diendv96"] | Stars Today 478 | Link |
Repository Name zulip | Owner zulip | Description Zulip server and web application. Open-source team chat that helps teams stay productive and focused. | Programming Language Python | Stars 20746 | Forks 7586 | Contributors ["timabbott","andersk","showell","alexmv","amanagr"] | Stars Today 101 | Link |