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Kadoa & Green Jobs Network Case Study: Expanded Job Import Capabilities

Company: Green Jobs Network
Industry: Environmental Jobs Platform
Location: Global

Green Jobs Network (GJN) is a premier platform dedicated to connecting job seekers with opportunities in the environmental and sustainability sectors. To ensure they provide the latest and most relevant job postings, GJN requires timely and accurate job data from various sources. This data includes job titles, descriptions, and locations, ensuring their platform remains a go-to resource for job seekers.

Challenges & Opportunities

GJN was seeking a scalable and automated solution that would enable it to seamlessly extract and import jobs directly from organizations, particularly those that aren’t utilizing common applicant tracking systems.

This solution would:

  • Eliminate manual job listing maintenance for employers
  • Scale the platform's job offerings to meet growing job seeker demand

Engineering Objectives

  • Extract and map hundreds of job postings within minutes
  • High extraction speed and throughput
  • Guarantee high accuracy for job posting data
  • Automated scraper maintenance
  • Regularly update job vacancy information

Solution: Kadoa Jobs

Kadoa met GJN's needs by providing:

  • Scraping of Job Data: Automated job data scraping from any career page, without coding or maintenance
  • Data Transformation: Automatic transformation of diverse data into a uniform structure
  • Data Classification: Data categorization based on predefined categories
  • Process Integration: Seamless API integration


Kadoa has unlocked new capabilities and increased the velocity at Green Jobs Network.

As one illustration, GJN used Kadoa to import jobs from the new American Climate Corps (ACC). Despite the fact that the ACC wasn’t using a common applicant tracking system, Kadoa was able to quickly and efficiently process all available opportunities.

Thanks to Kadoa, GJN was able to have listings for the initial collection of jobs from the ACC within hours of their public release. Kadoa’s speed and efficiency enabled GJN to be the first external career platform to display these groundbreaking new opportunities.

"Green Jobs Network can serve its job seeker and employer audiences better than ever with Kadoa. I’ve been impressed with the quality of their offering and responsive customer support. The seamless integration and reliability of Kadoa’s platform have made it an indispensable part of our operations."

— Leonard Adler, CEO, Green Jobs Network.